Hey family my name is Jemarius Grimes,

In this class, I will be teaching the in and outs of the market from basic to intermediate to advanced training material. From chart work to mindset material as well as sharing personal experiences from my 8-year journey as a trader. My job as your mentor is to take wherever you are in your journey (Never traded before, missing a step, to needing assistance with winning) to being the consistent trader you're aspiring to be. I commend you on your interest and taking the initiative to either start or want help! ANYONE can be a consistent trader no matter if new or had hardships within their journey! You're in the right place be patient, and most importantly HAVE FAITH IN GOD! The freedom finances the change you're looking for is around the corner! We are a team, most importantly a family- I hope to see you on the other side!

-Jemarius Grimes

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Hebrews 11:1


We all have to start somewhere and the great part about that is, that we are no different! No intellectual level or current skill has the upper hand through Faith in God, patience & consistency you can do it.


It will be hard and confusing at times, I would be lying if I said it was a cake walk however, that's when Faith comes in, hope for a better tomorrow. There is nothing he can't bring you through With that and showing up every day regardless of how it looks and correcting your errors you can do it!


It gets to a point where it's beyond finances, cars, or even just knowing you no longer have to work. You have a grateful attitude which leads to this in the first place giving back, time with family is important rather than a materialistic mindset that leaves a void open regardless of accolades.


Growing up I've always wanted to help others because I was different not in an arrogant way but in a never fitting in/ enough way. I wasn't the most athletic nor smartest basically a color outside the lines trying your best type. I always thought being a doctor was my calling however one of the issues with that was not even knowing what I wanted to do granted, I'm 22 years old however when a friend of mine introduced forex to me in 2015 I was hooked and at that moment I knew that was what I wanted to do. Patience, many blown accounts, depression, isolation, and leaning on hope- found a mentor I was able to have some success within the market however the most success came from trials and error- experience, having to grow up, losing pride, and resiliency on very tough days on this road. Almost 12,000 chart time hours and 8 years later here we are and I'm very happy, thankful, and grateful for the growth within this journey as well as having people to help within this it's all a blessing I don't take for granted. I'm happy to grow myself as a trader and mentor as well as a man of God firstly. I just want others to live a financially stress-free life I know finances can cause anxiety and worry at times my goal is to eliminate that forever for you as a nonfactor so you can help your family - friends, start that business or charity just overall not give money the slightest chance to stress you. In summary, I just want to lead people to freedom and truly allow the Lord to use me as a vessel so others can see him through me to him be all the Glory!
One tip I would like to share is, A mentor can teach so much but Faith teaches what you can't fix on your own. Dumping continuous money is one thing however the consistent psychological mistakes are what keep the downward spiral and missing steps there. You can fix them sometimes but in order to do that you have to show up when it's ugly and when it gets hard you just have to let go and give everything to God Jesus will never leave you and he will correct and show you what you are doing wrong. Until next time I love y'all.
-Jemarius Grimes